a fulfilling valentine’s day.

After having done a Valentine’s Day Sale both this year and last, I’ve learned you cannot underestimate humanity’s desire for free things.

Or maybe it’s the economy, who knows.

I had great success last year running a sale over Valentine’s day for a free e-book download for Dance on the Sun, and I decided to do it this year too, because even though it doesn’t generate monetary gains for me, it gets my books in the hands of more readers, which is ultimately my goal. I have a day job, and writing is my passion, so I don’t expect to make it my income. As nice as it would be to have enough revenue coming in from book sales to quit my full-time and dedicate all of my hours to writing and creating, I know that isn’t really feasible for most, me included.

With just over 300 e-book downloads in the past four days, my heart is feeling full of gratitude and excitement for what’s to come. I’m hoping that out of that 300, someone reads my book and loves it, enough to leave me a review. More readers should hopefully mean more reviews, which in turn should hopefully give me an even wider audience as more people start talking about my book. I’m still so proud of Dance on the Sun, and while I don’t believe the contents of the novel are groundbreaking or life-changing, what I do believe is that the story is good, heart-warming and happy; a needed respite from the world around us.

Dance on the Sun became exactly what I set out to create when I first started drafting it: a perhaps simple, but fun, happily-ever-after between two characters who deserve it. I wanted the sort of fairytale feeling I get from Disney princess films, shoujo manga, or Korean fantasy manhwa, but gayer. And I think Dance on the Sun achieves that. If you were a part of that 300 that downloaded a free copy this weekend, I hope you feel the same way.

This Valentine’s Day sale will definitely be an annual occurrence, and once I have more released projects, the celebration will be even greater as readers will have the opportunity to not just snag one free book, but several. By this time next year, I’m truly hoping Before the Lotus Bloom will also be available for free download. Progress is moving more slowly than I’d like, but I’m working my hardest to make it a reality.

I appreciate everyone who’s been here since day one, or who’s coming along for the ride now after this Valentine’s Day sale, and I can’t wait to show you all what’s in store. Dance on the Sun is just the beginning.

There is so much more love to share.


before the lotus blooms.